Privacy policy

Client Privacy

TeamCalendars is part of the company Whitehall Printing, which operate a Data Protection Policy in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Our policies form part of our accreditied Quality Management system ISO 9001 [2015], which is audited and approved anually.

We recognise the value of our clients' intellectual property, images, materials and personal information and as such will not disclose to any other client or third party any information or knowledge that is not already in the public domain.

Client supplied files including artwork, photos, wording etc. will only be used for that specific client and project (unless otherwise requested or authorised by the client). All sensitive information is kept in passwork protected areas of our systems.  These IT systems are protected by fire walled servers with up-to-date anti-virus software, accessed only by staff with adequate training. Files are immediately disposed of at the Clients request but are otherwise held securely for 6 years, in case the client requests a re-print in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns over the content of your calendar, please call us on 01179 54 7001 and ask to speak with a Director.